"... with each story becoming a new favorite cockleshell to keep in their heart of hearts."
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"I'm such a look at the moon person!"
HeartCockle Studio -- The magical dreamworld you can visit anytime
"For your delectation and merriment."
HeartCockle.com is a dialogue of emotion-based signals triggering the reward center between our "heartcockle-brain" connection
HeartCockle Releases -- Dreaming happier places one story at a time
Welcome, HeartCockle-landers!
"Follow your heart. Be reassured in your resilience from those who never miss a chance to say you're doing it wrong."
"Put your hands together because this is going to be totes amazing!"
"Who's your stay-at-home weekday bonus uncle daddy now?"
Family fun go-to that guests will want to share time and time again -- Sorta like Hallowthanksmas every day
"Zombie dinosaur king. Because how could there not be."
No cost watch-together entertainments? Yes, please!
HeartCockle is incurably obsessed crafting small batches of magical energy
Sitewide funzies for every generation of the family unit
Free -- Fun -- Open 'til how about right now It's a trifecta of awesomeness
Transportive storycraft to warm the cockles of your heart
"The world shoulda put me down fer a dirt nap when it had half a chance. If I didn't laugh it away I'd prob'ly be mad it nev'r gave me a bett'r fight."
Storytelling with all the feels
"Is this a grownup party?"
"I'm going to have to stop you there. I'm in."
Quality entertainment for the young and especially the young at heart
You can go back up to the top and do it all again if you want
© Rod Cockle, All Rights Reserved