Not a B&W photo. From this shoreline on a clear day both the Space Needle and Mount Rainier are visible. It's a Puget Sound thing.
Proudly made with green tech in the indoor recesses are kind of its thing region of Washington (state) in the town of Lynnwood. It's no Hollywood, but there's wood.
"Here is my vital secret: Your heart is about the size of your hand when you hold a paintbrush."
Regarding imagination as if we depend on it -- Because we do
Wherever your neck of the woods, visit our clamily room day and night -- and it's always free!
Comments? Questions? Did we just become BBFs (bestest buds forever)?? Send the emails to:
Funny thing: I've never owned a cellphone. Isn't that weird?
Think I might just be waiting to get chipped.
Straight from the heart storytelling for all kinds of families
"Is this going to be a long conversation because I kind of have a thing..."
"Still waiting for a downside!"
HeartCockle Studio is a destination event celebration for your imagination
The wide world story place
© Rod Cockle, All Rights Reserved